- BlueberriesThe important content in blueberries is vitamin C which known as potent stress buster. Plus, blueberries also contain antioxidant and low in calories. So you can eat a lot of blueberries without worrying of gaining weight.
- BeefAlthough beef contains saturated fat which is bad for your diet, you can choose the region that contain less fat such as the parts that are labelled as 'loin' or 'round'. The iron, vitamin B and and zinc can help to chill you out.
- MilkIt contains vitamin B2 and B12 and also antioxidants which is believed to destroy the free radicals which causes stress. Milk also can call you down, a glass of warm milk will help you to fall into a deep sleep.
- AlmondsAlmonds rich in vitamin B2 and magnesium which involve in the production of serotonin (important chemical which regulate stress and emotion). It also contains zinc which can fight the negative effects of stress, while vitamin E is an antioxidant which kills the free radicals.
- FishFishes are rich in vitamin Bs, especially B12. B12 is as many knows it helps in serotonin production which regulates the emotion by giving 'happy' feeling to a person. B12 deficiency may lead to depression.
Basically, you have to choose the appropriate food when you noticed your not in a good mood. Don't simply eat everything that you love just to give yourself some satisfaction. Choose the food that high in vitamin B12, magnesium and so on but beware of the calories too. :)
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